Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mordern Warfare 2

The time is amlost come. The night is alomost finally here. It has probably been about two months ago today that I went Before I left game stop they said that they would call me with a reminder to pick up the game. I told them that i wouldnt forget to pick it up and that there was no doubt about that. Then today when I was at worked I recived a phine call from Game Stop telling me that my copy would be ready to pick up monday night at 12. Being overwhelmed with enjoymeny i completley forgot that I had to work a 1 30 in the morning and that I will not be able to pick up my reserved copy. I still plan on trying to make an effot to get over to get the game. But I am stiil very antsy to get the game in my possesion. So if you dont see me in class the next week you know where I will be. LOL just joking Professor Charlton, Ill be there.

1 comment:

  1. Did you get the "prestige" edition with the night vision goggles? Lol
