Sunday, November 22, 2009

Where is the Snow

It is almost thanksgiving and still no snow. I cant wait for this time of year to come around. There is nothing that I love more then the snow. Every Year the anticipation is through the roof. the only bad part about it is the over siking myself up. For example every year I tell everybody that we are going to get a lot of snow. And latley we have not gotten much snow at all over the last couple of years, and when that takes place dissapointment always sets in.
One of the factors that i love most about the snow is the smell in the air. I also like how there is nobody out, and everything is so silent you can hear a pin drop. There are many poeple that complain about the snow every year and if you are one of them then move down south. That is how I feel about the winter. I sm hoping that this year is going to be a white one.

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