Saturday, October 24, 2009

Swine Flu

How contagious is the swine flu? How harmful is the swine flu? At first I thought it was no big deal untill last night when the symptoms started to hit me hard. I had a fever and a horrible cough. How did I catch the swine flu? My sister and my neice have it. So I quickly learned how contagious the swine flu is, to bad I had to find out the hard way.
So first thing this morning I went to pay the doc a visit. I told him what was going on and he told me that he isnt going to test me because the test results woulndt come back for 10 days and that I wouldnt be sick by then. He also informed me that the swine flu isnt that serious unless you have some health problems. The doc also said that a regular flu could be more harmful then the Swine Flu. But trust me, the Swine flu sucks. So once again I ahd to ask to many questions and had to find out the hard way.

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