Sunday, October 25, 2009

Steelers lucky win

Now I am no vikings fan. I am a die hard Packers fan. I watched the Pittsburgh Vikings game today and I am not gona lie I still root for Brett. I mean how cant you root for the best qb of all time. The game I saw today was a bunch of crap. The Steelers played well but the calls that were made by the refs changes the game. The pass that Favre therw for a touchdown got called back for a tripping penalty. i mean come on where the hell did the tripping take place?? Can you please show me if you are a Steelers fan. That is the play that changed the game big time because the next play the Steelers ran back a fumble for a touchdown. Then after that the game just went hay wire. Who knows what the finale score would have been if that wouldnt call would not have been made.

Ps3 or X Box 360

There is many opinions which systyem is better. I have many friends that think the x box is a better system then the Playstation 3. I believe that the ps3 is the better system. When you compare the systems in price the 360 wins because it is the cheaper system. The games are the sane way they are cheaper for the 360. Then the ps3 wins in the internet battle because it comes free with the ps3 and you also have many more options internet wise with the ps3. Then a huge one is the graphics. They come very close to each other but I believe that the ps3 is has the better graphics, many people will argue with that. The ps3 also comes with many more options like you can make your own album and you can set your backround and save games and play any ps2 game at anytime that you want to. So after comparing the both the ps3 comes out the better system and probably always will be.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

College Football Rankings

How do you think the teams should be ranked in college football? Do you think that there should be playoffs in college football? There are soo many opinions going around out there. many people like the rankings because it keeps there favorite team with a huge shot at the national title. Then other people have their opinion that there should be a playoff because their team is ranked in the top 25 but dont have a chance of the national title.
If you were to ask me what I think , I would tell you any day that there should be playoffs. It isnt fair for the teams that have an undefeated record. I think that the rankings are crap and could be easily rigged but if your a Gators fan im sure that love the rankings.

Swine Flu

How contagious is the swine flu? How harmful is the swine flu? At first I thought it was no big deal untill last night when the symptoms started to hit me hard. I had a fever and a horrible cough. How did I catch the swine flu? My sister and my neice have it. So I quickly learned how contagious the swine flu is, to bad I had to find out the hard way.
So first thing this morning I went to pay the doc a visit. I told him what was going on and he told me that he isnt going to test me because the test results woulndt come back for 10 days and that I wouldnt be sick by then. He also informed me that the swine flu isnt that serious unless you have some health problems. The doc also said that a regular flu could be more harmful then the Swine Flu. But trust me, the Swine flu sucks. So once again I ahd to ask to many questions and had to find out the hard way.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Fall is by far the best time of the year. the weather is perfect and the fishing is great. There is nothing that I love more then sitting by the river all cozzied up waiting to catch the record cat fish. I also love the colors of the trees. But raking can definitly be a pain in the but.

CRaigs list

Just to let everybody know who doesnt already Craig list has a lot of fraud people. I found some people that told me they would come take my peice of junk car and give me 150 dollars for it. Two days later they still have yet to show up and the name of their buisness changes three times in one day. So just letting you know to Watch out for those frauds.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Brett Favre Best Q.B. of all Time?

After last nights game as pissed as I was because I am a die hard Green Bay fan, I wasnt upset to see Brett break all of the records he broke. If you were to ask me I would tell you that he is the best quarterback of all time, and if you try to argue with me I will gladly beak out the record books.
For what he is doing at the age he is it is amazing. the throws he made and the mistake free game he played was great. Im still a little salty that the Packers lost to the viking but at the same time I was happy for Favre. There is no doubt in my mind though that the next time they play packers will come out victorious

Deer Season

Deer season is finally here. I never thought that I would like hunting untill my dad took me out one winter. It was early in the morning and snowing like crazy. I was with a bunch of his friends and we were on his friends farm. I was in my spot waiting patiently for two hours when a doe runs down over the hill i fired one shot and missed the deer. Feeling embarresed because of missing the deer I went to another spot. I was satnding there with my thirty ot six sitting on a fence when a deer jumped I fired one shot and bolte another bullet in the rifle. I fired again and missed.
After that day I havent seen another deer while hunting but the next time i do Im not missing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Burning Bright

I was very shocked by how the third reading turned out. I couldnt believe that Montag killed Beatty. i also couldnt believe that montag killed the hound. I liked the way that montag handled the situations that are going on in the book.
Montag makes t6he commet that he has no feelings for his wife, but there is several times that he mentions her and tries so hard to bring back the memory of her. I wish the ending would have went into a little more detail about what happened with Faber, and also his wife.
Other then the left out things in the end Fahrenheit 451 the ending was great. the war that was going on made a great setting nd made it easy to picture. I would have to say that this is one of the best books I have ever read.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cool Weather is Finally Here

I have waited all year for the weather to be like this. I think this is the best time of the year by far. there is something in the cooll air that I cant describe. I also like the snow. I am hoping that we will get alot of snow this year. The news stations are saying its going to be a cold winter guess. Guess we will have to sit back and find out!

cats or dogs

If you had an option of owning a cat or dog which option would you pick? I would no dobt about it pick a dog over a cat any day. But I am sure that there are many people out there who would pick a cat over a dog.
One of the most major reasonos why a person would pick a cat because of a dog is because they are not as much to take care of. You can go on vacation and leave your cat at home but not your dog. The reason why I would choose as dog is beacuse they make way better companions!