Sunday, November 22, 2009

Speed limits on highways

How do you feel abou the speed limits on the highways? Do you feel like they are fair or they are a little to fair or not fair at all. Well this could go any way becasue all the discussion points come out to be pretty even. If the highways in America were to not have speed limits then people would not have to worry about the constant fear of getting pulled over. Also if there were no speed limit laws on highways then that would be the less state troopers that they would have to hire and would be less equipment paid for by our taxes.
Then again if there was no speed limits the chance of accidents happening would greatly increase. Alo=so possibly the road rage could go up very high because of the speed demons not getting what they want.

Where is the Snow

It is almost thanksgiving and still no snow. I cant wait for this time of year to come around. There is nothing that I love more then the snow. Every Year the anticipation is through the roof. the only bad part about it is the over siking myself up. For example every year I tell everybody that we are going to get a lot of snow. And latley we have not gotten much snow at all over the last couple of years, and when that takes place dissapointment always sets in.
One of the factors that i love most about the snow is the smell in the air. I also like how there is nobody out, and everything is so silent you can hear a pin drop. There are many poeple that complain about the snow every year and if you are one of them then move down south. That is how I feel about the winter. I sm hoping that this year is going to be a white one.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bad Week in Sports

Well the terrible week began with the Phillies losing game six of the world series to my most hated team in sports other then the patriots, the New York Yankees. The Yankess went on to win there 29th world series which if you think about it thats crazy. Then Saturday rolls around and the biggest game of the year in college football comes on. The Penn State Nittney Lions Vs.the Ohio state Buckeyes. I was expecting a big game out of Penn State and once again they come up short in a huge loss to the buckeyes. That is really going to hurt them in the rankings system. Who knows where they will be ranked at the end of the week. Then to top it off today the Packers lose to the Tampa Bay bucs a game that I thuoght for sure would be in the bag. And in the NBA the Pistons are off to a horrible start to their season. All I can do now is hope that next week goes a little bit better .

Mordern Warfare 2

The time is amlost come. The night is alomost finally here. It has probably been about two months ago today that I went Before I left game stop they said that they would call me with a reminder to pick up the game. I told them that i wouldnt forget to pick it up and that there was no doubt about that. Then today when I was at worked I recived a phine call from Game Stop telling me that my copy would be ready to pick up monday night at 12. Being overwhelmed with enjoymeny i completley forgot that I had to work a 1 30 in the morning and that I will not be able to pick up my reserved copy. I still plan on trying to make an effot to get over to get the game. But I am stiil very antsy to get the game in my possesion. So if you dont see me in class the next week you know where I will be. LOL just joking Professor Charlton, Ill be there.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Steelers lucky win

Now I am no vikings fan. I am a die hard Packers fan. I watched the Pittsburgh Vikings game today and I am not gona lie I still root for Brett. I mean how cant you root for the best qb of all time. The game I saw today was a bunch of crap. The Steelers played well but the calls that were made by the refs changes the game. The pass that Favre therw for a touchdown got called back for a tripping penalty. i mean come on where the hell did the tripping take place?? Can you please show me if you are a Steelers fan. That is the play that changed the game big time because the next play the Steelers ran back a fumble for a touchdown. Then after that the game just went hay wire. Who knows what the finale score would have been if that wouldnt call would not have been made.

Ps3 or X Box 360

There is many opinions which systyem is better. I have many friends that think the x box is a better system then the Playstation 3. I believe that the ps3 is the better system. When you compare the systems in price the 360 wins because it is the cheaper system. The games are the sane way they are cheaper for the 360. Then the ps3 wins in the internet battle because it comes free with the ps3 and you also have many more options internet wise with the ps3. Then a huge one is the graphics. They come very close to each other but I believe that the ps3 is has the better graphics, many people will argue with that. The ps3 also comes with many more options like you can make your own album and you can set your backround and save games and play any ps2 game at anytime that you want to. So after comparing the both the ps3 comes out the better system and probably always will be.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

College Football Rankings

How do you think the teams should be ranked in college football? Do you think that there should be playoffs in college football? There are soo many opinions going around out there. many people like the rankings because it keeps there favorite team with a huge shot at the national title. Then other people have their opinion that there should be a playoff because their team is ranked in the top 25 but dont have a chance of the national title.
If you were to ask me what I think , I would tell you any day that there should be playoffs. It isnt fair for the teams that have an undefeated record. I think that the rankings are crap and could be easily rigged but if your a Gators fan im sure that love the rankings.