Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Sieve and the Sand

I was shocked on how Guy came out and said all those nasty things to Mildreds friend. I was glad that he made that move as well. I wasnt sure what was gona happen with beatty but Guy gave him the book peacefully. The end of the chapter shocked me the most. I thuoght that the firfighters were gona end up going to Fabers house but i was completley traken off guard when the chapter ended with them pulling up in front of Guys house.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Hearth and the salamander

This book started off a little confusing. after the first couple of pages i understood what was going on. the main point hit me when the girl he had become close with made the comment that one time there were porches for people to sit on and now they are banned. In this book the freedoms of people are taken away from them and hidden so well that most people dont stop to think whats going on. At first I thought this book was about about people that just burned books but it really goes much deeper then that. I think that the book is excellent so far. I am a little in shock about easily everybody is being run by the goverment. I hope that he can pull through with his plan and burn the fireman.


ok, so we got everybody believing that the world is going to end somehow in 2012. People look at this and laugh because they think there is no way. What do you believe? the world and humanity could come to an extinction in so many different ways. I believe that if this were to happen it would end in a nuclear war or an air born deadly virus. So far there doesnt appear to be any type of nuclear war that is going to take place. Coming along is swine flu but it doesnt seem very likely to wipe out all mankind. I guess we will just have to sit back and see what happens.

seatbelts or no seatbelts

Do you think that it should be your descision to wear a seat belt or not? I beliave it should be your choice to wear a seatbel or not. Seatbelts help save lives but they can also take them away. they are proven more safe then not. But getting pulled over and handed a 90 dollar seatbelt ticket tacked on to the other fines it really starts to tick you off. This is america the free country where everyone has rights, whats going on with that.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Writing From the Darkness

This story was about a girl growing up and having a huge imagniation. She often felt trapped, almost like something was out to get her from the darkness. She begins to write for the first time and when she does it she feels so free and so open. Being able to write anything that she is pissed off about or scared of helps her to relax and calm down from all the fear. She also realizes that she can write about anything in the world that she wants to and not get into trouble for it. later on in life she thinks of commiting scuicide. But every time she sits down and begins to fill out her journal all the pain and anguish inside of her begins to come out of her. At the end of the book she says that she will never make the journy again.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

When I was younger

Do days ever go by where you think about your past? Do you ever have such a stressfull day where you just sit down and wish you were 6 again and had nothing to be responsible for. Or do you ever wish you could be 5 again to spend that last year with your grandma or grandpa? Sometimes I wish that I was younger.
There are times when I will go places today and it will bring back memmories of when I was younger. The memeories I always get are so peaceful that I wish that I was back to that age again where I could play with my action figures for 2 hours a day and have nothing to worry about. The age where i didnt have to worry about getting my car inspected or paying for my cell phone bill or waking up 5 minutes before i had to be at work and stress bieng late.
I would have to say the age i miss most is 5. I thought school was awesome, almost everyday my family would be at my paps house swiming in his pool and playing with my best friend at the time who was my cousin. life was great. Now 18 I look back and think how and why did i like school. And I also look back and realize how much i miss my pap and my cousin who was my best friend growing up is now just a cousin that I see once every 3 years.
Vacations when I was younger seemed like so much more fun then they are today. the great times of going to the beach with my sisters and mom and going to the mountains with my dad. Everything seemes so much sweeter when I look back. Growing up something you realize is that you are not going to be a child forever and in order to live a succesfull life you must grow up and keep the memories forever and hope that someday your child will hve that same memories to live with that you do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stanley Fish

I think that the writer of Stanley fish had some sort of point. I believe that everybody has thier own way of teaching so every semester students will be getting tought a different way the before. I also feel that some classes that are supposed to based on one subject like world war 2, tech many different thing outside that subject.